World Watch:
Second Seal Archive: 2010
Israel: It’s fight or flight - 12/30/10
Is Iran About to Test a Nuclear Bomb In North Korea? - 12/30/10
Pakistan makes two nuclear weapons available to Saudi Arabia - 12/30/10
Ahmadinejad: Iran won't make nuclear concessions in Istanbul talks - 12/29/10
Iran says Western hostility jeopardizes nuclear talks - 12/29/10
Will Iran Deny the U.S. Its Persian Gulf Bases? - 12/29/10
The unchecked Iranian menace - 12/28/10
Iranian Guards to upgrade Hizballah fortifications in Lebanon - 12/23/10
FM: Iran with nuclear bomb will seek occupation of Gulf - 12/23/10
New U.S. Sanctions to Hit Iranian Guard and Shipping company - 12/22/10
Ahmadinejad cuts subsidies, frees $20 bn for nuclear program, prestige boost - 12/20/10
Mullen: US very ready to attack Iran - 12/19/10
U.S., EU Plan Iran Sanctions - 12/18/10
US army chief says Iran still seeking nuclear bomb - 12/18/10
Obama envoy Ross in Israel for secret talks - 12/17/10
Imagining an Iranian ICBM - 12/16/10
US-Israel tiff on where Iran's Nuclear program stands - 12/16/10
US seeks to tighten squeeze on Iran before talks - 12/13/10
Iran bent on punishing CIA, MI6, Mossad accused of attacking its scientists - 12/13/10
Israeli attack on Iran may lead to nuclear war - 12/13/10
Israel may have no military option against Iran - 12/12/10
Western Countries accuse Iran of trafficking arms - 12/11/10
Security Council told of two reported arms embargo violations by Iran - 12/11/10
Iran to Build Missile Base in Venezuela - 12/11/10
US eases military pressure on Iran, tries concessions - 12/10/10
71% of Iranians want nuclear arsenal - 12/ 10/10
A FLEET of suicide ships is being built by - 12/08/10
A resurgent Syria alarms U.S., Israel - 12/08/10
Iran Will Never Give Up Nuclear Rights - 12/08/10
Senators tell Obama to hold firm on Iran - 12/07/10
U.S. And NATO Allies Escalate Military Buildup Against Iran - 12/06/10
WikiLeaks: The Iran-Al Qaeda Connection - 12/02/10
Sarkozy: North Korea to supply Iran with nuclear bomb components - 12/02/10
Iran's military looks to the sky as new priority - 12/02/10
Iran feels driven to react - 12/01/10
Riyadh signals: Secret Saudi-Israeli meetings on Iran must go on - 12/01/10
Bolton: Military strike only way to stop Iran nukes - 11/30/10
Khamenei instructs Lebanon's PM Hariri regarding Hizballah takeover - 11/30/10
Under Ahmadinejad Iran is preparing for the end of time - 10/30/10
Israel sees impetus for action against Iran in Arab states' fears - 11/30/10
US: China is conduit for North Korea's weapons trade to Iran - 11/30/10
Carl Vinson carrier strike group to deploy to Persian Gulf - 11/30/10
Israel sets deadline for attack on nuclear Iran - 11/30/10
Iran Fortifies Its Arsenal With the Aid of North Korea - 11/29/10
Wikileaks: 'Saudis on Iran: Cut off the head of the snake' - 11/28/10
Hariri walks into the Iranian web abandoned by US, Israel, Saudi Arabia - 11/27/10
Erdogan: Turkey will not remain silent if Israel attacks Lebanon - 11/25/10
Syrian, Hizballah's guided missiles defy Israel's aerial supremacy - 11/231/0
Lieberman: How will the world stop Iran if it can't stop N. Korea? - 11/23/10
The Iran-START Connection - 11/23/10
Troubles stop Iran nuke enrichment; Stuxnet worm suspected - 11/23/10
Iran and North Korea nuclear coordination - 11/22/10
US security guarantees for Israel worthless if Turkey controls missile shield - 11/21/10
Iran successfully tests own S-300 missile defense system - 11/18/10
Ashkenazi in US: Still time for Iran sanctions to work - 11/17/10
Washington urged to engage Iran - 11/17/10
Iran, Hizballah prepare for war in months, Israel plans for next decade - 11/16/10
Former Iranian fighter pilot: 'Ahmadinejad incites war' - 11/16/10
Iran: Guardians of the Islamic Skies defense drill - 11/16/10
Iranians begin 5-day, nationwide air defense drill - 11/16/10
Iran staging 'biggest' national aerial drills today- 11/16/10
Ashkenazi: Hizbullah takeover in Lebanon likely - 11/15/10
As Iraq goes, So Goes the Middle East - 11/15/10
Difficulty on Iran nuclear talks is a Bad Omen - 11/14/10
Netanyahu: first and foremost – stop the Iranian nuclear project 11/14/10
US offers Israel security guarantees for settlement freeze - 11/14/10
Iran, Hizballah upgrade war preparations, new Israel front line commander - 11/13/10
Arabian Sea: Center Of West’s 21st Century War - 11/12/10
All top Hizballah commanders face indictment in Hariri murder - 11/11/10
Iran develops version of Russian S-300 missile - 11/11/10
Netanyahu: A nuclear Iran is greatest danger to world - 11/09/10
Netanyahu warns that world must take action against Iran - 11/08/10
US sources: Netanyahu is out of sync on military buildup against Iran - 11/08/10
Netanyahu to ask US to threaten Iran - 11/08/10
Netanyahu to press U.S. for military threat on Iran - 11/08/10
Obama piles more military pressure on Iran - conspicuously - 11/07/10
Senator Graham: Consider taking out Iran's military - 11/07/10
Saudi Prince: Iran nuclear program on "explosive" path - 11/05/10
Hezbollah and Iran: the New Masters of Lebanon - 11/05/10
Syria's new Russian missiles a threat to Isareli jets - 11/04/10
Former Iranian Revolutionary Guard: Iran will bomb Israel - 11/03/10
Israeli intel: Iran can already produce nuclear bomb - 11/03/1
Obama can win re-election by “orchestrating” a showdown with Iran - 11/03/10
US deploys fourth submarine in Persian Gulf - 11/03/10
MI chief: Iran and Russia giving Syria advanced weapons - 11/02/10
Syria's new Russian missiles could challenge Israeli Air Force - 11/02/10
Obama Presidency: War With Iran Will Save Economy - 11/02/10
British Foreign Secretary to hold secret Iran talks in Israel - 11/02/10
Lebanon: Hezbollah planning coup if charged in Hariri murder - 11/02/10
Hizbullah making preparations to seize power in Beirut - 11/02/10
Obama's War Recovery Plan? - 11/01/10
What Bombing Iran Would Actually Mean - 10/29/10
US working to revise deal as part of renewed talks with Iran - 10/29/10
French carrier Charles de Gaulle joins US fleet in Persian Gulf - 10/29/10
EU slaps new sanctions against Islamic Regime - 10/27/10
Syria's Assad rejects Obama administration's overtures - 10/27/10
US and Iranian military preparations for war in weeks or months - 10/27/10
Obama and the post election Iranian Option - 10/26/10
Ahmadinejad: new regional axis; Iran, Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon - 10/26/10
Ross: Iran prefers defiance and secrecy to transparency and peace - 10/26/10
TIMELINE: Iran's nuclear program over the last 12 months - 10/26/10
Saudis push Lebanese PM Hariri to quit, Lebanon near abyss - 10/25/10
Attack on Iran would spark global N-war’ - 10/22/10
First joint Saudi-Egyptian maneuver ever was geared to Iranian threat - 10/22/10
Israeli Cabinet Minister: Impose an air, land and sea economic boycott of Iran - 10/22/10
US deploys second air carrier in Persian Gulf with 60 warplanes - 10/21/10
US, Israel and Iran have approached the end game - 10/21/10
Iranian power has swung from mullahs to Ahmadinejad - 10/21/10
Iranian Weapon Shipment to Afghan Taliban Raises Alarm - 10/20/10
Pentagon Sends 2nd Carrier To Help Afghan Surge - 10/20/10
Obama Administration Accuses China of Helping Iran Develop Nuclear Weapons - 10/19/10
U.S. believes Chinese companies are helping Iran develop nukes - 10/18/10
Chavez to meet Ahmadinejad in Tehran - 10/17/10
Iran may get Russian S-300 interceptors after all - via Venezuela - 10/16/10
Iran 'Predicts' Clash between Lebanon, Israel - 10/15/10
Secret Iranian missile installation was struck by a triple blast - 10/15/10
Ahmadinejad: Lebanon is a university for Jihad - 10/14/10
Ahmadinejad Calls for Israel's Destruction in Speech to Hezbollah - 10/14/10
Israel's inaction permits Iran's annexation of Lebanon - 10/14/10
High military alerts as Ahmadinejad, Nasrallah call for Israel's destruction - 10/14/10
Ahmadinejad warning in Lebanon - Iran at Israel's border - 10/13/10
Hero’s Welcome for Ahmadinejad in Lebanon - 10/13/10
Thousands greet Ahmadinejad on first state visit to Lebanon - 10/13/10
Chinese warplanes make Mid East debut in Turkey and Iran - 10/12/10
Obama will hold Assad responsible for any Hizballah violence in Lebanon - 10/09/10
Hizbullah trying to take over Lebanon with Iran's help - 10/09/10
Hezbollah training in Syria missile base - 10/09/10
Tehran, Damascus tell Hizballah to grab Beirut right after Ahmadinejad's visit - 10/06/10
Iran can now export weapons to over 50 countries - 10/06/10
Kassams rockets hit South Israel, Security cabinet discusses readiness - 10/06/10
US Cautions Lebanon on Ahmadinejad Visit - 10/06/10
Israel To Iran: Time’s Up - 10/05/10
US navy to battle Iranian mini-ekranoplan swarms with rayguns - 10/05/10
Lieberman, Graham: Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran - 10/05/10
Ahmadinejad issues call to “bury” U.S. leadership - 10/03/10
Ahmadinejad to visit 'Iran's border with Israel' - 10/03/10
Ahmadinejad: Israel is a savage dog unleashed in region - 10/03/10
Russian experts flee Iran to escape dragnet for cyber worm smugglers - 10/03/10
Assad, Ahmadinejad: Israel's actions prove it doesn't want peace - 10/02/10
Assad in Tehran for meeting with Ahmadinejad - 10/02/10
Iran is bent on avenging cyber attack, raising military tensions - 10/01/10
Assad to Ahmadinejad: Don't visit Lebanon - 9/29/10
Iranian Commander: Obama Bewildered by Iran's Resolve - 9/29/10
An alarmed Iran asks for outside help to stop rampaging Stuxnet malworm - 9/29/10
Obama, is to take a more confrontational posture toward the Iranian regime - 9/28/10
Hamas muscle-flexing sparks Gaza clash with Israeli troops - 9/27/10
Cyber attack on Iran expands: Tehran threatens long-term war in reprisal - 9/27/10
Tehran confirms its industrial computers under Stuxnet virus attack - 9/25/10
United States has embarked on a cyber war against Iran - 9/24/10
Seizure of explosives from Iran makes full trade embargo more likely - 9/24/10
Time for Sanctions to work, only "a matter of months" - 9/24/10
The US war in Afghanistan is "a long-drawn-out disaster" - 9/23/10
Russia will not supply Iran with S-300 missiles - 9/23/10
Iranian President Ahmedinejad Threatens U.S. With War 9/21/10
Sen. Graham: US must consider military force against Iran - 9/21/10
Israel: No choice but to attack Iran - 9/21/10
US Fears Russian Cruise Missile for Syria to Destabilize Mideast - 9/21/10
Obama not keen on Iran strike; 'not ideal solution' - 9/21/10
Barak: Sanctions may not be enough to stop Iran nuclear program - 9/21/10
Amano chides Iran for not cooperating with IAEA inspectors - 9/13/10
IAEA: Iran crosses critical line for nuclear-arming missiles - 9/13/10
Yatom: Only attack will stop Iran - 9/13/10
Nuclear experts watch for Iran’s first N-test after sanctions fail - 9/10/10
Iran opposition group exposes secret nuke site - 9/09/10
Secret Iranian uranium enrichment site revealed - 9/09/10
Iran declares war on US, paying terrorists to kill US troops - 9/08/10
Iran’s sensitive nuclear labs, missiles secreted at Bushehr - 9/08/10
U.N. Says Iran Is Impeding Nuclear Inspections - 9/07/10
Iran on brink of nuclear weapon - 9/07/10
Hizballah strikes US troops in Iraq, opens anti-Israel Eastern Front - 9/06/10
US warns Assad of Israeli counter-strike for terror campaign - 9/05/10
Iran threatens Dimona reactor, will destroy Israel in nuclear war - 9/04/10
US envoy Oren: Hizbullah has 15,000 rockets on border - 9/04/10
Iran's revenge: Syria and Hizballah join to sink Israeli warships - 9/03/10
Iran May Take Over Persian Gulf - 9/01/10
US Intel: Tehran pushes Hizballah hard to attack Israel - 9/01/10
Iran will hit Israel's Dimona reactor if attacked - 8/31/10
Iran develops flying bombs for Israeli cities, nearby US targets - 8/30/10
Hizbullah, Syria to cooperate on conflicts with Israel' - 8/30/10
Iran to make advanced long-range artillery ammo - 8/29/10
Israel planning to attack Hezbollah arms depots in Syria - 8/28/10
US to sell Israel massive military fuel stocks worth $2 bn - 8/28/10
Israel ready to destroy Lebanese Army in four hours - 8/27/10
Obama offers US nuclear umbrella if Israel scraps Iran strike - 8/26/10
Hamas' large-scale terror plot sets off high Israel, Palestinian alerts - 8/25/10
Iran says test-fired new missile - 8/25/10
Iran reports successful test-fire of upgraded missile - 8/25/10
Iranian general: Teheran should hit enemy outside Middle East - 8/24/10
US Lawmakers ask Obama to enforce Iran sanctions - 8/24/10
US: Iran's new weapons don't worry us - 8/24/10
Iran Adds Missile-Launching Assault Boats to Arsenal - 8/23/10
Iran: If attacked, response will be wide-ranging and unpredictable - 8/23/10
Iran begins mass production of 2 assault boats - 8/23/10
Iran ready to export military equipment to 50 countries - 8/22/10
The Atlantic: The Point of No Return - 8/22/10
Secret US-Russian deal tied Israel's hands on Bushehr - 8/221/0
Iran builds 'ambassador of death' - 8/221/0
Iran Shows Off Unmanned, Long-Range Bomber - 8/221/0
Iran Test Fires New Surface to Surface Missile - 8/20/10
Arab sources: A major military surprise is close - 8/20/10
Lebanon: 'Hizbullah should join Lebanese Army' - 8/20/10
US urges more vigilance for ships transiting Strait of Hormuz - 8/19/10
Arabs, terrorists preparing for war with Israel - 8/19/10
Gulf States Nudging for Attack on Iran - 8/19/10
Iran's Supreme Leader: No Negotiations With US - 8/19/10
Air crash near Bushehr, drones slam into reactor dome - 8/17/10
U.S., Israel Build Military Cooperation - 8/17/10
Iran to build 10 uranium enrichment plants in mountain strongholds - 8/16/10
Russia to Load Fuel Into Iran's Nuclear Reactor - 8/13/10
Russia places S-300s to block possible Israeli air attack on Iran - 8/12/10
Fidel Castro: Israel won't be the first to attack Iran - 8/12/10
Fidel's idea is close to the biblical prophesies.
Israel likely to hit Iran, consensus of 40 speculates - 8/12/10
According to Scripture, Israel will not attack Iran.
Turkey and Iran to give Hizbullah weapons - 8/12/10
USS Truman posted opposite Hormuz as Iranian threats spiral - 8/11/10
Iran's IRGC Navy launches 12 torpedo new cruisers - 8/11/10
Iran will 'retaliate' if ships inspected in the Persian Gulf - 8/11/10
Oil heading to $200 a barrel - Strait of Hormuz vulnerability- 8/10/10
Israel moves troops to the border, Nasrallah charges Israeli plot - 8/10/10
China, Russia, India & Turkey fill void left by US and EU sanctions - 8/09/10
World War 3 - The lines are being drawn.
Iran Sanctions Make China, Russia Winners - 8/09/10
Iran launches four home-made submarines - 8/09/10
Iran tightens its grip on Lebanon in preparation for War - 8/09/10
Ahmadinejad to visit Lebanon as Northern Axis tightens the Knot - 8/08/10
Iran to unveil super-advanced military equipment late Sept - 8/08/10
Challenges of enforcing sanctions on Iran, food for thought - 8/07/10
US cannot defeat Iran without nuclear attack - 8/07/10
'If attacked, Iran will annihilate US' - 8/07/10
Senior Iranian Commander Warns of Crushing Response - 8/07/10
In the Arab World "The Enemy of My Enemy" - 8/07/10
Iranian intelligence officers tour Lebanese border, study IDF lines - 8/07/10
Ahmadinejad: Iran enriching Uranium well over 90% - 8/06/10
Double Down on Iran Sanctions - 8/06/10
Israel threatens to destroy hostile Lebanese border positions - 8/05/10
Huge Iranian explosion coincides with bid on Ahmadinejad's life - 8/04/10
Ahmadinejad survives assassination attempt - 8/04/10
Obama finally releases sea missiles for Israel, approved by Bush - 8/04/10
Gasoline Shortage in Iran Threatens Regime - 8/04/10
Lebanese army emerges as Israel's new pro-active foe - 8/04/10
Lt. Col. Dov Harari was killed by Lebanese snipers - 8/03/10
Netanyahu, Barak warn Lebanese gov't - 8/03/10
Middle East on the Brink of Another War - 8/03/10
Off the record: Candid views from Mid-East officials - 8/03/10
Assad ditches Hizballah, Lebanese and Israeli troops exchange fire - 8/03/10
Bombers, missiles could end Iran nukes - 8/02/10
Ex-US envoy to Israel promotes pre-emptive action in Lebanon - 8/02/10
Iran threatens to retaliate against any US attack - 8/02/10
Mullen: US has viable Iran attack plan - 8/02/10
Israel suspects Turkey is betraying its military secrets to Iran - 8/01/20
Tehran: 'No Iranian ship inspected so far' - 8/01/10
Inspection of an Iranian ship could start the 2nd Seal conflict.
Iran vows 'crushing response' if attacked by Israel or U.S.- 8/01/10
IRG General: New U.S. psyops plan targets Iran - 8/01/10
Mullen says US has Iran strike plan ready, just in case - 8/01/10
Tehran admits access to nuclear and missile technology - 8/01/10
Hamas orders compulsory call-up for new army like Hizballah - 8/01/10
Tehran establishing Hamas militia in Gaza like Hizballah in Lebanon - 7/31/10
Ahmadinejad: U.S. to start new Mideast wars - 7/30/10
Israeli helicopter training for strikes on Iran-style mountain tunnels - 7/30/10
US: Iran sanctions starting to bite - 7/30/10
Enforcement: State Dept. to list sanctionable firms by early August - 7/28/10
Ahmadinejad: US and Israel plot wars within three months - 7/28/10
Iran Plans Massive Investment to Repel the Effects of Sanctions - 7/27/10
Iran Denounces Sanctions Imposed by EU, Canada - 7/27/10
Russia: Iran nuclear sanctions by EU unacceptable - 7/27/10
Iran: New EU sanctions 'unconstructive' - 7/27/10
Israel applauds Europe on Iran sanctions - 7/27/10
Hizballah sends another 1,500 troops to Israel-Lebanon border - 7/26/10
Iran's President Ahmadinejad warns EU against sanctions - 7/26/10
EU Imposes New Sanctions Against Iran - 7/26/10
Ex CIA Chief: U.S. strike on Iran likelier than ever - 7/26/10
Ahmadinejad: Iran will react swiftly if ships inspected - 7/25/10
Ahmadinejad: US, Israel plotting to attack two countries in Mideast - 7/25/10
Iran says it has 100 vessels for each US warship - 7/24/10
Iran to retaliate for UN sanctions - 7/20/10
US and Israel fear Iran may be capable of a nuclear test this year - 7/20/10
U.S. making sure Israel doesn't attack Iran - 7/19/10
'Israel convinces US with Credible military plan on Iran' - 7/19/10
Israel's US high-tech ballistic missile tracking system is operational - 7/18/10
Moscow pledges Tehran oil products - against US embargo - 7/15/10
Russia Plan To Help Iran Challenges Sanctions - 7/14/10
Russia promises Iran fuel despite US sanctions - 7/14/10
Sanctions on Iran squeeze fuel supplies - 7/13/10
US warns India not to break US Iran sanctions - 7/13/10
Hezbollah-Israel: A war if Iran wants - 7/13/10
Obama rejected Netanyahu request for F-15E - 7/13/10
Obama: To Israel, "leave Iran to us" which includes Lebanon.
Preparations for historic Ahmadinejad visit to Beirut, Lebanon - 7/11/10
Hizballah advances 20,000 troops to Lebanon / Israel border - 7/11/10
Lebanon: 'Hizbullah has target list ready' - 7/11/10
International community more willing to pressure Iran - 7/11/10
Hawks, UAE Ambassador Want War with Iran - 7/09/10
Moscow to have Iran's Bushehr reactor running by September - 7/09/10
‘Cairo and Amman worried about Iran nukes’ - 7/09/10
New U.S. Missile Deployments Near China - 7/08/10
Israel: Hezbollah Storing Weapons in Lebanese Villages - 7/08/10
IDF names top Iranian in charge of Hizbullah in Lebanon - 7/08/10
Iran embargoed by US - 7/08/10
World leaders concerned as U.S., Israel threaten Iran - 7/08/10
IDF declassifies evidence of Hizbullah presence in Lebanon - 7/07/10
China against US expanding sanctions on Iran - 7/06/10
Iran warns West and stresses its naval ability in Persian Gulf - 7/06/10
Syria: The prospect of war grows - 7/06/10
BP orders European outlets to stop refueling Iranian airliners - 7/05/10
Iranian Planes Denied Fuel in UK, Germany, UAE - 7/05/10
Iran will strike if Iranian cargo ships come under inspection - 7/04/10
Iranian radar monitors US 6th Fleet and Israel from Lebanon - 7/04/10
Embargo on shipment of oil products to Iran was mistake - 7/03/10
Middle Eastern Drums of War are beating - 7/02/10
Iran warned searches of its ships would have "dire consequences" - 7/02/10
Barack Obama signs new sanctions against Iran into law - 7/01/10
Iran gives Syria new radar system - 7/01/10
Iran warns EU of "dire consequences" over sanctions - 7/01/10
Iran may react in face of sanctions - 7/01/10
Saudi Arabia wants US to press Iran - 6/30/10
Why does Iran fear a US-Israeli strike from the north? - 6/29/10
Third US carrier, 4,000 Marines augment US armada opposite Iran - 6/29/10
Lieberman: Iran is biggest ME threat due to terror-backing - 6/29/10
Iran Calls Off Gaza Flotilla over 'Israeli Threats' - 6/27/10
IRAN: No Iranian vessel inspected so far - 6/26/10
Watch for this! This could be the flash point to start the War.
Sanctions include tough cargo inspections to prevent smuggling - 6/26/10
Ahmadinejad: US domineering is about to collapse - 6/25/10
US Congress passes new sanctions against Tehran - 6/24/10
United Arab Emirates shuts businesses for trade with Iran - 6/24/10
War tensions mount over Gaza-bound ships. Hizballah reprisal - 6/24/10
IAF helicopters unload equipment at Saudi airport for attacking Iran - 6/24/10
US regarding Iran: "All options remain on the table" - 6/23/10
Iran on war alert over "US and Israeli concentrations" in Azerbaijan - 6/23/10
US military pressure increasing in the Persian Gulf - 6/23/10
Iran to send aid ship to Gaza - 6/22/10
US-led armada secretly drilled bombing Iranian targets with Israel - 6/21/10
More flotillas for Gaza, Lebanese army joins Hizballah war alert - 6/20/10
U.S., Israeli warships cross Suez Canal toward Persian Gulf - 6/19/10
Gates: Iran could attack Israel with scores or hundreds of missiles - 6/19/10
Missiles deployed with the Hezbollah in Lebanon may the reason for...
'The violence you have done to Lebanon will overwhelm you' Hab. 2:17
EU okays Iran energy sanctions - 6/18/10
U.S. and now Europe Press Tighter Sanctions on Iran - 6/17/10
Syria: Israel raid on Gaza flotilla raises risk of Mideast war - 6/17/10
Turkey closes airspace to IAF, Jerusalem declares IHH terrorists - 6/17/10
US extends sanctions aimed at Iran's nukes - 6/16/10
Threats over Gaza keep USS Truman carrier in Mediterranean - 6/16/10
Muslim World: Obama’s sanctions against Iran as toothless - 6/15/10
Israeli Navy braces for Iranian flotilla - 6/15/10
Iran cleric calls for 'special weapons' to deter enemy - 6/14/10
Sea battle fear as Iran sends armed flotilla to Gaza - 6/13/10
Obama seeks to soften U.S. Congress sanctions on Iran - 6/12/10
Saudis air corridor is open, US, Israel for attack on Iran - 6/12/10
'Saudi airspace open for Iran attack' - 6/12/10
Ahmadinejad singled out US President Barack Obama for scorn - 6/11/10
"All of them taunt him (Obama) with ridicule and scorn" Habakkuk 2:6
Ahmadinejad: Obama has made 'Big Mistake' with Iran - 6/11/10
US, France, UK practice aerial strikes against Iran - 6/10/10
Israel: Iran sanctions a good start - 6/10/10
Erdogan: There is Danger in pushing Iran into a corner - 6/10/10
UN Sanctions Take Aim At Iran's Shipping Industry - 6/09/10
UN Security Council Adopts Tough New Round of Iran Sanctions - 6/09/10
U.S. Presses Its Case Against Iran Ahead of Sanctions Vote - 6/08/10
Putin to meet Ahmadinejad as Iran sanctions loom - 6/08/10
Ahmadinejad: US will lose if new new sanctions are passed - 6/08/10
Osama bin Laden and top aides are hiding in Sabzevar, Iran - 6/07/10
UN 'to adopt' fourth round of Iran nuclear sanctions - 6/07/10
Israel, Turkey, Gaza in covert sea war. Hamas frogmen thwarted - 6/07/10
Turkey's Two-Faced Aid for Gaza - 6/06/10
Turkey - Erdogan's government ties to the IHH - 6/06/10
Turkey has embraced Iran and Hamas - 6/05/10
Why 'The Sea Cannot Be Opened' to Gaza - 6/04/10
Ahmadinejad: Iran to defend itself if new sanctions imposed - 6/04/10
Now, US expects Security Council vote on Iran next week - 6/04/10
US seeks UN vote on Iran sanctions by June 21 - 6/03/10
Turkey, Israel near clash after terror cell exposed on flotilla - 6/02/10
Mossad chief: Obama's military "softness" weakens Israel - 6/01/10
UN Sanctions on Iran – Russia Making the Best of Both Worlds - 6/01/10
Israeli subs with nukes in Persian Gulf - 5/30/10
Israel to deploy nuclear submarines off Iran coast - 5/30/10
Syrian ballistic missiles on standby - 5/29/10
US nuclear submarine crosses into Strait of Hormuz - 5/29/10
Iran to West: Accept nuke deal as is - 5/221/0
The tragicomedy of Iran sanctions - 5/22/10
Obama's back room deal with Moscow to get Iran Sanctions - 5/22/10
Iran sanctions won't stop S-300 missile sale: Russian senator - 5/21/10
Iranian teams train on S-300 interceptors at Russian bases - 5/21/10
Is a new US-Russian Cold War brewing? - 5/21/10
Obama starts massive US Air-Sea-Marine build-up opposite Iran - 5/20/10
Note: Gates questions Navy's ability to defend against attack - 5/03/10
UN powers back new Iran sanctions - 5/20/10
Harry S. Truman Strike Group deploys to the Persian Gulf area - 6/19/10
US presented the Iran Sanctions Draft to Security Council - 5/19/10
Nations agree on informal embargo on Iran - 5/19/10
Former US General Warns of Summer Attack Against Israel - 5/18/10
US: Major Powers Have a Deal on UN Sanctions for Iran - 5/18/10
World's Naval Powers Converge on Iran and Strait of Hormuz - 5/18/10
US to continue push for sanctions - 5/18/10
Iran Prepared to Block Gulf Oil and Wreck Western Economies - 5/17/10
Medvedev: 'Nuclear swap deal may not be enough' - 5/17/10
Brazil, Turkey insure Iran's nuclear drive, with trickery - 5/17/10
Syria, Hizballah are building a massive wall in eastern Lebanon - 5/16/10
'Russia to sell Syria weapons' - 5/15/10
US zizags on Iran, Brazil and Turkish leaders head for Tehran - 5/14/10
Iron Dome defense system gets new backer: Barack Obama - 5/13/10
Iran test-fires same missiles as handed to Hizballah - 5/13/10
Russia warns U.S. against unilateral Iran sanctions - 5/13/10
IDF officers slam Netanyahu's lack of strategy for Lebanon - 5/12/10
Iran builds nuclear-capable cruise missile able to strike Israel - 5/11/10
New arms deal expected in Medvedev's Damascus visit - 5/10/10
US sends Israel smart bombs to match Syrian missiles - 5/10/10
Iran practices tactics for driving US fleet from Gulf - 5/08/10
Iranian Naval Exercises Display Advanced Capabilities - 5/08/10
U.N. on target for Iran sanctions by mid-June: sources - 5/08/10
Jerusalem Post: Time to plan for war - 5/08/10
China, Iran, North Korea have formed strategic alliance - 5/08/10
Iran, Middle East's Big Brother, and the specter of conflict - 5/07/10
China, Russia to discuss Iran in Moscow - 5/05/10
Iran has new anti-cruise missile weapon, Cobra-type helicopter - 5/05/10
Ahmadinejad: Nuclear sanctions will not stop Iran - 5/05/10
White House assures it can still stop Irainian Nukes - 5/05/10
Iran to hold 8 day war games in Gulf of Oman starting tomorrow - 5/04/10
US and Iran clash at nuclear talks - 5/03/10
White House Calls Ahmadinejad's Remarks 'Wild Accusations' - 5/03/10
US: Progress on Iran sanctions - 5/02/10
Iranian President Slams West Before Mondays New York Visit - 4/30/10
Iran: We'll
cut off Israel's legs - 4/30/10
Iran Vows to Back Syria With All Its 'Strength' - 4/30/10
Clinton warns Iran, Syria against threats to Israel - 4/29/10
Iran, Syria, Hizballah gear up to provoke summer war - 4/29/10
Lebanese 'Hizbullah more armed than most gov'ts' - 4/28/10
Israel: Syria gave Lebanese Hezbollah Scud Missiles - 4/28/10
Note: violence you have done to Lebanon will overwhelm you Hab. 2:17
Russia's selling missile system able to wipe out aircraft carriers - 4/27/10
Sanctions on Iran's gasoline imports? That's war talk! - 4/25/10
U.S. Tries to Buy Time for Its Iran Strategy - 4/25/10
China opens Anti-ship Missile plant in IRAN - 4/25/10
Iran ups the ante in the Strait of Hormuz - 4/25/10
Iran tests 5 new anti-ship missiles during Gulf military exercise - 4/25/10
Iran's radar-evading unmanned speedboat in Hormuz exercise - 4/23/10
Pentagon: Iran Military Exercises 'Somewhat Routine' - 4/23/10
Tehran? US No Strike statement contradicted by the Pentagon - 4/22/10
Note: 4th paragraph, US military buildup taking place in Persian Gulf
Congress will pass sanctions against Iran within weeks - 4/22/10
Giving Sanctions a Chance - US strike 'off table' for now - 4/21/10
Iran to hold large-scale war games in Strait of Hormuz - 4/21/10
P5+1 meeting in New York to discuss new sanctions on Iran - 4/20/10
U.S. tacitly admits failure of UN sanctions on Iran - 4/19/10
Obama U-Turn on Iran and defensible borders for Israel - 4/19/10
Gates: US has a plan for Iran - 4/19/10
The "New Hizballah" built by Syria - fear of War this Summer - 4/18/10
U.S. urges U.N. to impose arms embargo on Iran - 4/16/10
Syrian Scud missiles ready to cross into Lebanon for Hizballah - 4/14/10
Israel Will Attack Iran by November 2010 - 4/13/10
Tehran: If attacked, nuclear devices will go off in U.S. cities - 4/13/10
'Iran to go nuclear within month' - 4/13/10
U.S. Says China Will Push Sanctions Against Iran - 4/12/10
Iran produces air defense missile system called "Ambush" - 4/11/10
Naval blockade required for sanctions could lead to war - 4/11/10
World powers hold UN meeting on Iran nuclear sanctions - 4/08/10
Obama: 'New nuke policy will isolate Iran' - 4/07/10
Seeking the Help of China and Russia Against Iran - 4/05/10
Iran's Carrier Killers - fast boats with super torpedoes - 4/05/10
Obama, Hu weigh sanctions tradeoff against Iran, Israel - 4/03/10
Obama to 'Ratchet Up' Pressure on Iran - 4/02/10
Obama: Evidence shows Iran is developing nukes - 4/02/10
Trident missile, nuke capable, fired from Saudi territory - 4/01/10
'China on board for new sanctions' - 3/31/10
Obama: UN to move against Iran within weeks - 3/31/10
Iran, China to hold talks on nuclear row - 3/31/10
G8 Foreign Ministers Back 'Strong Steps' on Iran - 3/31/10
Obama, Sarkozy Commit to Strong Sanctions Against Iran - 3/31/10
Israel: we do not need to coordinate everything - 3/29/10
Iran sanctions top concern at G-8 summit - 3/29/10
Israeli tactical nuclear strike on Iran? - 3/29/10
When, Not If, Iran Gets Sanctions - 3/29/10
Congress to Obama: welcome Israel, watch Iran - 3/28/10
G-8 May Act on Iran, but prefers UN Sanctions - 3/27/10
Comprehensive international arms embargo against Iran - 3/25/10
Ahmadinejad: Israel "one step closer to their death - 3/25/10
Resolution Supporting Israeli Strike on Iran - 3/24/10
US-Israeli spat plants seeds of crisis - 3/23/10
IDF Chief of Staff: Iran nuclear threat rising - 3/23/10
Diego Garcia: Iran attack mystery deepens - 3/21/10
Netanyahu to ask Obama for weapons to strike Iran - 3/21/10
Obama" bunker-buster bombs to Israeli for strike on Iran - 3/20/10
Babylon sharpens crisis with Israel - 3/18/10
Iran sends battle group to Gulf of Aden - 3/19/10
Jerusalem and Babylon - 3/19/10
Iran's secret missile-launching facility revealed - 3/14/10
US: prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, period. - 3/14/10
Khan describes Iranian efforts to buy nuclear bombs - 3/14/10
Brazil's president warned US sanctions may lead to War - 3/13/10
Israel Demands Naval Blockade Of Iran By US - 3/13/10
Gates: Gulf allies understand Iran sanctions are next - 3/12/10
Ahmadinejad: Israel will be annihilated - 3/11/10
US Puts Squeeze on Iran Amid Calls for UN Sanctions - 3/11/10
Bolton's dire warning: Israel must strike Iran now - 3/09/10
Biden: US to prevent nuclear Iran - 3/09/10
Turkey, Angry at U.S., Pledges Support for Iran - 3/09/10
Biden to caution Israel not to attack Iran - 3/08/10
Iran Unveils First Cruise Missile - 3/07/10
What’s brewing between the US and Israel? - 3/07/10
Iran launches missile production line - 3/07/10
US-Israel sanctions falls apart. Tehran sitting pretty - 3/06/10
West drafts weakened Iran sanctions - 3/06/10
Assad-Ahmadinejad-Nasrallah: War within a Few Months - 3/06/10
Obama seeks 'Exemption' for China on Iran Sanctions - 3/06/10
Western sanctions draft targets Iran's banks - 3/05/10
Mutually assured destruction - 3/05/10
Possibilities of war: Iran - 3/05/10
U.S. is Spinning its Wheels on Sanctioning Iran - 3/05/10
War between Iran and the West Is Imminent - 3/04/10
Israel urges US to adopt Cuba-like embargo on Iran - 3/03/10
Iran Cleric Calls for "Special Weapon - 3/03/10
EU, US Threaten New Iran Sanctions - 3/03/10
Iran's tactics and suspended speedy sanctions - 3/03/10
US backs off speedy Iran sanctions promised Israel - 3/03/10
U.S. official: World sees need to sanction Iran - 3/03/10
Clinton: Iran sanctions months away - 3/03/10
Netanyahu: Iran arms race is runaway train - 3/02/10
U.S. Considers Maritime Interdiction Off Iran - 2/29/10
Iran surfaces hidden nuclear stockpile - 2/28/10
Ahmadinejad Maneuvering Hizbullah and Israel into War - 2/28/10
Iran's coalition summoned for anti-Israel war planning - 2/27/10
Islamist chiefs called to Tehran for anti-Israel war plan - 2/26/10
Iran, Hezbollah Leaders Meet in Syria - 2/26/10
Barak to U.S.: Impose new Iran nuclear sanctions - 2/25/10
Ahmadinejad and Assad desire a Zionist-free ME - 2/25/10
Syria wants Iranian troops for war against Israel - 2/24/10
Iran using Hezbollah as diversion from nukes - 2/24/10
US: Time and patience running out over Iran - 2/24/10
Obama is not clear what will happen next with Iran - 2/24/10
Prepare for war with Iran - 2/23/10
Gasoline sanctions are just about all we've got left - 2/22/10
US Plan B: Next Step a naval blockade or military strikes - 2/22/10
Netanyahu calls immediate embargo on Iran's energy - 2/22/10
Israeli Air Force unveils massive ‘super-drone’- 2/22/10
Force needed to contain Iran - 2/21/10
Russia: Iran's noncooperation 'alarming' - 2/20/10
Ahmadinejad: End of US Supremacy Imminent - 2/20/10
Iranian defeat first - 2/15/10
Mullen: 'Strike on Iran may have unplanned results' - 2/15/10
Clinton: Iran is turning into military dictatorship - 2/15/10
U.S. vows commitment to Israel in face of Iran nukes - 2/14/10
Netanyahu to Russia 'Crippling Sanctions' on Iran - 2/14/10
It's time for U.S. to consider targeting Iran's gas imports - 2/13/10
Iran: We'll Speed Nuke Progress if U.S. Threats Continue - 2/13/10
Mullen, to visit Jerusalem - 2/12/10
China won't veto fresh Iran sanctions - 2/11/10
Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri warns of Israel 'threat' - 2/10/10
Obama: New Iran Sanctions Being Developed Quickly - 2/09/10
Obama vows 'significant' sanctions against Iran - 2/09/10
Congress to slap tough gasoline sanctions on Iran - 2/09/10
Khamenei: Iran will 'punch' the 'arrogant' powers on 2/11 - 2/08/10
Iran faces new sanctions within weeks - 2/08/10
Khamenei: Israel's Destruction is Imminent - 2/07/10
Syria provides Hizballah with missiles to destroy cities - 2/08/10
Iran building unmanned attack drones - 2/08/10
Iran to begin enriching uranium to 20% - 2/07/10
Syria: We're ready for peace or war - 2/06/10
Iranian missiles for Syria, Hizballah and Hamas War talk - 2/06/10
West dismisses Iran nuke proposal - 2/06/10
Iran: US military buildup aimed to cause panic - 2/05/10
Moscow gives S-300 missile go ahead for Iran delivery - 2/04/10
China warns against Iran nuclear program sanctions - 2/04/10
Iranian quickstep: 1 step forward, 2 steps back - 2/04/10
Israel threatens to 'use force' against Iran - 2/04/10
West 'pushing for new UN sanctions against Iran' - 2/03/10
Egyptian sources: Israel preparing to strike Iran - 2/03/10
Ahmadinejad: Iran Is Ready for Nuclear Deal - 2/03/10
Iran may “lash out” at Israel through Hamas and Hizbullah - 2/02/10
“Iran will deliver a blow to global powers” on 2/11 - 2/02/10
Obama’s new hardball with China, Iran - 2/02/10
US: 5,000 Hizballah (Lebanon) training to seize Galilee - 2/02/10
US speeds up preparations for clash with Iran - 1/31/10
US beefing up missile defenses in Persian Gulf - 1/30/10
Time to Put a Chokehold on Iran - 1/30/10
China will sanction US, but will not Iran - 1/30/10
U.S. Senate Approves Stronger Penalties Against Iran - 1/29/10
Russia: 'No obstacles over Iran arms deals' - 1/28/10
Obama: Iran will pay a price for stalling nuclear talks - 1/28/10
Obama warns Iran in address - 1/28/10
Dubai Helps Iran Evade Sanctions, Smugglers Ignore US - 1/26/10
Merkel: Iran's time is up, it's time to discuss sanctions- 1/26/10
Where power Now resides in the Middle East - 1/26/10
Another conflict with Lebanon is 'inevitable' - 1/23/10
Sarkozy: 'Israel may act against Iran' - 1/23/10
Sarkozy warns Israel won't abide Iranian threat - 1/23/10
Yemen: Terrorist Haven or Chess Piece? - 1/22/10
Iran Defiant, Increased Sanctions to be Expected - 1/20/10
Foreign Policy: Iran succeeding - Obama failing - 1/18/10
Will Obama hide behind Israel? - 1/18/10
Implications of an Israeli Preventive Attack on Iran - 1/16/10
No US attack on Iran during Obama’s Presidency - 1/15/10
No Pre-emptive attack. Unfortunately, Obama will impose a Naval
Embargo and then counter attack Iran when US ships are sunk.
Obama orders USS Eisenhower strike group to Gulf - 1/13/10
Petraeus: Iran's nuclear infrastructure can be bombed - 1/11/10
US drops strongest hint of Iran blitz in months - 01/10/10
US preparing military for possible Iran conflict - 1/09/10
2010 will witness the most destructive wars in history - 1/09/10
Threat to US Navy in Persian Gulf - 1/09/10
The Inevitable War With Iran - 1/08/10
World Powers contemplate Iran Sanctions - 1/06/10
Obama gives up sanctions on Iran. Jerusalem says nothing - 1/06/10
Iran Shielding Its Nuclear Efforts in Maze of Tunnels - 1/06/10
China again rejects UN sanctions against Iran - 1/06/10
Iran Expands Its Target List - 1/04/10
U.S. Sees an Opportunity to Press Iran - 1/03/10
Israel: DFM Ayalon, New Iran sanctions this month - 1/02/10
Iran Gives West One Month to Accept Nuclear Deal - 02/01/10
Iran - Truth or Consequences - 01/02/10
Israel seeks 'crippling' Iran sanctions - 01/01/2010